At Raynham, we enthuse children’s love of maths through a creative approach to learning that is rich in making cross-curricular and real life links so that learning is meaningfully contributing to children’s transferable life skills and love of learning. Through their journey in school, children continuously develop and build their mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills using concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches (CPA), supporting them to retain their knowledge in their long term memory.
Mathematics Aims:
At Raynham, we implement the National Curriculum: Mathematics Programme of Study (2014), which underpins the mathematical learning at our school for Key Stages 1 and 2 aimed at developing children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving to build their depths of understanding and mastery of maths. Early Years follows the Early Years Framework (2021), developing and securing children’s knowledge and depths of understanding of numbers up to 10 with exposure to numbers up to 20, including subitising, 1:1 correspondence, patterns and connections to real life.
Our Approach to Teaching and Learning Mathematics:
Medium term plan overviews are adapted in line with the school’s vision and aims. They build on the following:
- White Rose Hub, NCETM, NRich
- CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract) and links to intelligent practice
- practical and active learning opportunities, including cross-curricular and creative approach
- developing oracy in Maths and making real life connections in the local environment and the world around them
- developing times tables and arithmetics skills, including using Rockstars Times Tables and Maths Shed.
Timestables and Arithmetic Practice:
The Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 take part in daily Mastering Number sessions.
Key Stage 2, Arithmetic and Timestables sessions involve whole-class work to rehearse, sharpen and develop mental and oral skills and revisit prior learning.
Blended Learning:
Children get weekly homework, a combination of paper and online, through Google Classroom to consolidate their learning in school. In addition, we actively encourage our children to practise their timestables and arithmetics through Rockstars Timestables and Mathshed. Children participate in a range of competitions, such as England Rocks and are enthusiastic about earning Rock Hero badges. Children get the opportunity to earn certificates in Well Done assemblies to celebrate their successes and efforts to regularly practice, improve and develop their mathematical and calculation skills.
Useful Links:
Here are some additional resources you could use at home to get your children excited about maths through games: